Hunter or fisher?
Photography, Night photography Darren Rea Photography, Night photography Darren Rea

Hunter or fisher?

Two techniques employed in street photography. The hunter has a more mobile outlook and will choose an area to move around in, looking for groups of people or individuals in the hope of catching an off-guard expression or behaviour. The fisher will choose a location and stay there in the hope that folks will pass through the scene and enhance the composition. Tonight, I will be a fisher!

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Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
Photography, Night photography Darren Rea Photography, Night photography Darren Rea

Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

You're probably expecting me to write an intro detailing my photography journey from a very young age but being a night owl and needing a hobby in my twenties, I plumped for photography a wee bit later in life. I'm a night shift worker and never in dreamland before midnight on nights off so I'm probably in the right area of interest for a semi-insomniac.

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The Christmas helter-skelter. An iconic location for photos
Photography, Night photography Darren Rea Photography, Night photography Darren Rea

The Christmas helter-skelter. An iconic location for photos

Anyone familiar with Belfast will be well aware of the continental Christmas market. Springing up in November like a mini city, this maze of stalls attracts punters from all over the country and they get into the Christmas spirit by spending their hard-earned cash on everything from strawberry-flavoured beer to venison burgers! Baristas of coffee share space with purveyors of jewellery and vendors of cozy scarves and in the east corner of the market lives the amusement section which includes a hobby horse ride and the helter-skelter!

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