Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

You're probably expecting me to write an intro detailing my photography journey from a very young age but being a night owl and needing a hobby in my twenties, I plumped for photography a wee bit later in life. I'm a night shift worker and never in dreamland before midnight on nights off so I'm probably in the right area of interest for a semi-insomniac.

Many years after buying my first 'real' camera, a Canon EOS 1000 film camera, I find myself writing a blog on the subjects of capturing traffic trails, illuminated architecture, city panoramas, street photography, etc, and hoping to reach out to others with the same interests. Surely I've learned something useful worth sharing! I still have plenty to learn, that's for certain. It isn't easy to know where any project will lead us. Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

Nocturnal and otherwise, capturing images and meeting up with like-minded people has been the haven of sanity for many of us during the last couple of manic years, and documenting my experiences feels like a natural, if somewhat daunting, next step for an enthusiastic, camera wielding vampire like me and I look forward to seeing what this venture can be, meeting new people along the way and last but not least, taking more photos. Thank you for reading!

Titanic Quarter, Belfast

Darren Rea

Night photographer from Northern Ireland

“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”– Vincent Van Gogh


The Christmas helter-skelter. An iconic location for photos