Loft Lines. Why here?
Darren Rea Darren Rea

Loft Lines. Why here?

Normally I don't need much of a push to motivate myself to polish the lenses, charge the batteries and drive the 15 miles or so from home with the aim of setting up on the maritime mile and recording the architecture, attractions and so on but on reading a particular news item in early 2023, I felt utterly compelled to rush to a previously planned location and construct a shot I had considered to be a worthy addition to the portfolio.

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Darren Rea Darren Rea


At the time of writing, I'm employed Monday to Friday night shifts. It's a family necessity but unfortunately a less-than-ideal situation for an enthusiastic night photographer. I've been absent from the streets with my camera and haven't posted on socials. My website blog hasn't seen an update for a while. This has to change…

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Hunter or fisher?
Photography, Night photography Darren Rea Photography, Night photography Darren Rea

Hunter or fisher?

Two techniques employed in street photography. The hunter has a more mobile outlook and will choose an area to move around in, looking for groups of people or individuals in the hope of catching an off-guard expression or behaviour. The fisher will choose a location and stay there in the hope that folks will pass through the scene and enhance the composition. Tonight, I will be a fisher!

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